Training & Public Speaking

Integrating RFT & VB in language intervention programs
“eye-opening”… “a paradigm shift”… “as if Siri opened another dimension to look at…”
A user-friendly introduction to RFT and the basic premise that relational frames are generalized, contextually-controlled patterns of arbitrarily-applicable derived relational responding. With examples from recent research and applications of RFT to EIBI, you’ll learn the importance of derived relational responding and the transformation of function through relational networks to the development of generative language, and you’ll be introduced to assessment and intervention tools to use in your own practice that will show you how RFT and Skinnerian VB can be integrated in early intervention programs to powerful effect.
Offered through Constellations.
This 10 week, in-depth course through Constellations provides a thorough grounding in both principles of RFT and their application to promoting generative language in early childhood. It includes comprehensive assessment and intervention protocols and case conceptualization tools, with bi-weekly discussions to ensure support for implementation in your practice.
In this small (8 participant) coaching group, weekly meetings focus on participant case review presentations including case conceptualization, assessment, and implementation using the tools and protocols from “Applying RFT in Early Intervention” and from Siri’s handbooks on “Using RFT to Promote Generative Language”
Offered through Constellations. Application required.
Are you looking to shift your organization's EIBI focus towards teaching for generative language, or give your staff a stronger theoretical foundation for more flexibility when using RFT-based assessment and curriculum tools? I provide customized online or on-site training on integrating RFT into your current VB programming, combined with distance-based group coaching for your team to support implementation. My trainings include both theoretical foundations and practice with applications that can immediately be added to your programming. I will work with you to identify the most important focus of training for the client population your agency serves, and the curriculum tools you use. Topics can include many precursor foundations for generativity (including joint attention, recombinative generalization, and flexibility in responding) as well as establishing both early and more advanced relational framing repertoires for young children in early intervention programs.
Please contact me to set up a time to talk about your interests and the needs of your agency.

Psychological Flexibility:
ACT, RFT & Behavior analytic practice
“Like a warm, conceptually systematic hug.”
Have you just purchased Understanding and Applying RFT, and are looking for support and camaraderie as you go through the book? We (Dr. Siri Ming, Dr. Evelyn Gould, and Dr. Julia Fiebig) are excited to join you on your journey with this 16 week book club. You’ll connect with others also reading the book and come together with us for live group discussions every two weeks.
Offered through Constellations.
Improving psychological flexibility is the primary aim of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training. In this interactive course, Drs. Siri Ming and Evelyn Gould take the stance that psychological flexibility is a critical socially valid outcome and guiding principle for all that we do as behavior analysts.
Offered through Constellations.
Most of us at one time or another feel overwhelmed by the insurmountable mountain of tasks that we have on our to-do lists and calendars. This on-demand course will provide you the information and tools you need to prioritize and actively choose how to spend your time, noticing and organizing your own behavior and context from a perspective of self-compassion and curiosity.
Offered through Constellations.
In this on-demand course for behavior analysts and other contextual behavior scientists, you’ll be thoroughly exploring theoretical concepts related to self-care, along with our favorite tools and practices to promote well-being and resilience. You'll learn strategies for clarifying and committing to an overarching value of self-care, acting congruently with personal and professional values across many domains of living, and practicing self-compassion in the process.
Offered through Constellations.
Are you looking to help your staff learn ACT-informed strategies to promote and support their own psychological flexibility or that of their supervisees and the parents they work with? I provide customized online or on-site training for promoting psychological flexibility within cooperative contexts for change, including understanding the link betwten psychological flexibility, cooperation, and social validity. I also offer training on the use of the Mindful Action Plan as well as strategies for values-based time management. I am a a peer-reviewed ACT trainer, and my offerings include both theoretical foundations and practice with applications that can immediately be added to your programs. I will work with you to identify the most important focus of training for the client population your agency serves, and the current tools you use.
Please contact me to set up a time to talk about your interests and the needs of your agency.

Client and participant praise